Your Word is a light for my steps
Lectio is for people like you. Join us to deepen your appreciation of the living word.
About Lectio Divina
Lectio Divina is a term we are hearing more often these days, especially here in St. Catherine’s. Lectio Divina translates from two Latin words as “Sacred Reading”. It is an ancient method of reading the bible and goes back to the first thousand years of Christianity as the principal way of forming communities centred on the sacred Word of God. In the church today Lectio Divina is undergoing a marked revival and is being rediscovered by people worldwide as a personal and communal way to meet Jesus and to grow your relationship with him and with each other. Also it is a way to deeper understanding of God, ourselves and our world.. In this way it gives an opportunity for all God’s people to do theology – “faith seeking understanding” as defined by St Anselm.

Here in St. Catherine’s there are ten Lectio Divina communities who meet for twenty weeks of the Church year, Advent, Lent Pentecost, and Michaelmas (September). They meet in the Lectio Centre which is at 35 Dominic Street. This was the address of the old Dominican Priory. Fr. Joseph Ralph O.P. formed the first Lectio Divina community here in 2011. It continues to form and develop a growing number of Lectio communities each year. Fr. Joseph offers an introduction to Lectio Divina each Wednesday 11.30 am & Thursday 8.15 pm of the series in the Lectio Centre for those who are interested and wish to learn more about this method of Praying, Reading, Bible and Building Community. The Bible text which all of us read and pray is the Gospel text for the Sunday Mass. In this way, Sunday Mass becomes a fuller, wholehearted celebration of the Gospel. The Good News of Jesus risen and alive at work in our lives and in our world today.
PODCAST FOR 18th Dec 2023