Lectio Centre

Official Opening of Lectio Centre

         35-37 Dominic Street


On behalf of the Lectio Divina Communities in St. Catherine’s Newry,

I invite you to join with us in gratitude and joy for the blessing and
dedication of our new Lectio Centre.

Over the last number of years the Lectio Communities have been
gathering with Fr. Joseph around the Word of Scripture in the former
Dominican Priory house at no 35 Dominic Street where the Dominican Friars had lived for seven years.

It became clear to all that the house was no longer
adequate for the growing number of communities nor for our hopes for
the future development of Lectio Divina.  Much as the old house was
loved by us it did not comply with the regulations necessary for
public gatherings today. The decision was taken to build a new Lectio
Centre by combining numbers 35 and 37.

From day one we have had the overwhelming support of the entire
community.   Fund raising events were organised with great enthusiasm
and imagination.  Donations large and small came steadily from all
quarters.   People gave of their time ,talents and skills to bring
about what we see before us now.   There are so many stories which
could be told of the generosity and goodness of people that it is true
to say the blessing of the Lectio Centre has already begun.   It is
our desire and commitment to develop this same spirit of outreach and
this sense of community to all the people of Newry and beyond.

As we celebrate  with our Dominican friends the 800th  Jubilee year of
their foundation by St. Dominic this is a milestone event on our own
Lectio Divina journey; a milestone made possible by you and one in
which everyone has a share.   As participants in the Lectio Divina
movement world wide let us recall the past.  Today many are reclaiming
this ancient method of Reading and praying with the Word of Scripture
which was at the Centre of the formation of our Church.   The early
Christians met together to listen to and to tell the  Sacred stories
of the Life, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. They came to love
and understand more fully Christ’s powerful relationship with his
beloved Father.

Generation after generation of people have inspired
others to hand down and to treasure this method of Lectio Divina which
today many are finding as a source of nourishment and growth in faith.

Let us pray  for ourselves as we begin afresh …”Surrounded by a
great cloud of witnesses” we dedicate ourselves to continue this
precious task in the new Lectio Centre.  In the name of God and in the
words of Pope Francis ” let us grow Lectio Divina to enlighten and
renew all God’s people.”
May we O Lord grow together as we respectfully search for Truth and
for Wisdom to respond to the cultural challenges of our time . May we
welcome Jesus in Word , in Sacrament and in the many manifestations In
which He continues to live among us today.  Thanks be to God .
Your Word O lord is a light for my steps.
Amen     (Anne Smyth)